Dust Control

Fugitive Dust Control
Grading Operation

The Valley Air District's Regulation VIII requires property owners, contractors, developers, equipment operators, farmers and public agencies to control fugitive dust emissions from specified outdoor fugitive dust sources including:

  • Construction sites
  • Excavation and earthmoving
  • Bulk material handling, storage, and transport
  • Vacant Land
  • Paved and unpaved roads
  • Unpaved vehicle traffic areas
Standards and Requirements

Stabilized Surface Requirements

A stabilized surface is a treated surface that is resistant to wind effects. This requirement applies to vacant open areas that have previously been disturbed, unpaved roads and traffic areas, and outdoor bulk storage piles. Methods for creating and maintaining a stabilized surface may include applying chemical or organic stabilizers, road-mix or paving materials, vegetative materials, or water for soaking the soil or forming a visible crust. The test methods and applicable standards for determining whether a surface is stable are found in Section 6.1 and Appendix B of Rule 8011

Visible Dust Emissions Standard

Visible dust emissions(VDE) may not exceed 20% opacity during periods when soil or other dust-producing materials are being disturbed by vehicles or equipment. "Opacity" is a visual evaluation of the amount of one's view that is obstructed by a dust plume. The VDE limit applies to construction sites, handling and storage of bulk materials, and to unpaved roads and traffic areas. Test methods for determining compliance with the VDE limit are found in Appendix A of District Rule 8011.