Hazard Reduction Burning

1 877 HAZ BURN (1 877 429 2876)

Important Information

Hazard Reduction Burning is permitted only when meteorological conditions are forecast to be good for smoke dispersion, and burning has not been suspended by the local fire agency having jurisdiction.  Hazard Reduction Burning usually begins in late fall and continues until late spring as conditions allow.  However, burning may be suspended at any time due to fire danger as declared by the local fire agency.  Burning may be conducted only on days when the daily declaration indicates burning is permissive for your county and elevation.  It is your responsibility to check the declarations before burning and to follow the Guidelines for Hazard Reduction Burning.

Burn declarations are updated daily by 4:30 PM

These declarations are valid for pile burning in the state responsibility area only.  They are not valid for broadcast burning or Agricultural Burning.

Hazard Reduction Burning Declarations

Burning ignition hours are between 9:00am and 4:00pm.  Burning at night or on days when burning is restricted for your county and elevation is a violation of District Rule 4106 and will result in enforcement action.

Understanding the Declarations

Declarations are made on a county-wide basis for each of the eight District counties.  There are three declaration types:

  • Yes - Burning is approved at all elevations
  • Above Elevation - Burning is approved above the listed elevation, but restricted below
  • No - Burning is restricted at all elevations

Counties where the local fire agency has suspended burning will remain a "No" declaration throughout the suspension period.