Agricultural Operations

Agricultural Operations

Agricultural Operations are operations that include the growing and harvesting of crops or the raising of fowl or animals for the primary purpose of earning a living, or for conducting agricultural research or instruction by an educational institution. Depending on the specifics of your operation you may be required to acquire and maintain Agricultural Permits, Permit-Exempt Equipment Registrations, or Conservation Management Practice Plans.

Agricultural Permits

District permits may be required for dairy operations, cattle feedlots, swine facilities, egg ranches, poultry ranches, and silage piles. Equipment such as gasoline tanks and internal combustion engines may also require District permits.

Conservation Management Practices (CMP)

Rule 4550 (Conservation Management Practices) was developed with stakeholders for the purpose of limiting fugitive dust emissions at agricultural operation sites. The CMP Rule is applicable to agricultural operations that grow crops and to Animal Feeding Operations (AFO), such as dairies, feedlots, and poultry operations. The CMP program offers farmers a streamlined process to demonstrate compliance with a biennial plan to reduce dust and PM10 emissions from on-farm sources.

Do I need a CMP Plan or a Permit?