Planning a New Business in the San Joaquin Valley

The San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District is ready to help. Our Business Assistance engineers are available to work with you during all office hours. The District has implemented a number of permit streamlining measures aimed at expediting the permitting process without sacrificing environmental protection.  The District stands ready to help businesses understand air pollution regulations and then assist them in finding the most cost-effective way to comply with those regulations. The District has also developed a checklist which can provide further guidance in determining the District permitting and notification requirements for your project. Please click here for the checklist. Click here for a brief description of the District's permitting process.

There are a number of other state and local organizations ready to help you start up a business in the San Joaquin Valley, starting with the Governor's Office of Economic Development. This website assists you in finding appropriate permit information for your business, and also provides contact information for the various agencies that administer & issue these permits throughout the state including CalTrans, the California Air Resources Board, the Regional Water Quality Control Board, City and County Planning and Building Departments, and the Air Pollution Control District.

Links to Valley Land Use and Economic Development Agencies

Each county in the San Joaquin Valley is represented by an Economic Development Corporation. These corporations would love to hear about your plans, and may be able to provide significant assistance. Links to these corporations and county Planning Departments are listed below: