Rules Under Development

District Rule Development Efforts

To achieve the District’s mission of improving air quality and public health for all Valley residents, the District has developed and implemented several air quality plans to reduce emissions from stationary sources.  The control strategies outlined in existing District attainment plans include the adoption of over 670 of the most stringent rules in the nation, and strong voluntary incentive programs that have invested more than $5.7 billion of combined funds in clean-air projects.  Similarly, the California Air Resources Board (CARB) has adopted regulations for mobile sources.  Together, these efforts represent the nation’s toughest air pollution emissions controls.  Over the past several decades, these air quality improvement efforts have reduced nitrogen oxide (NOx) emissions (primary precursor for both ozone and PM2.5) from mobile and stationary sources by over 75%, including a greater than 93% reduction from stationary sources under the District’s jurisdiction, resulting in significant air quality progress towards meeting the health-based federal ozone and PM2.5 standards.

To achieve the significant emissions reductions necessary for expeditious attainment of federal ambient air quality standards, District staff are actively working on rule development efforts for a suite of rules and projects to be adopted throughout the 2024-2025 period.  Rule development projects will also include an evaluation of District rules to determine whether they meet the State of California Best Available Retrofit Control Technology (BARCT) level of controls, as required under AB 617 and through the adopted Community Emission Reduction Programs. 

List of Regulatory Measures Scheduled for Consideration During 2024

Pursuant to California Health and Safety Code Section 40923, each air district with a state approved air quality attainment plan shall publish a list of regulatory measures scheduled or tentatively scheduled for consideration for that year.

During 2024, the Governing Board of the San Joaquin Valley Unified Air Pollution Control District (District) may consider amending the rules listed below. Rules not adopted or amended by the Governing Board in 2024 may be adopted in subsequent years. The District Governing Board may also consider adopting or amending other rules, as required to comply with local, state or federal requirements, or to address technical issues that may arise.

Rule Description Status
Rule 4550 (Conservation Management Practices) Potential amendments will satisfy commitments in the 2018 PM2.5 Plan to evaluate potential emission reductions of PM2.5 from agricultural operations, to the extent that further controls and/or work practices are technologically and economically feasible. In progress
Rule 4692 (Commercial Charbroiling) Potential amendments will satisfy commitments in the 2018 PM2.5 Plan to achieve additional emission reductions from commercial underfired charbroilers. In progress
Rule 4905 (Natural Gas-Fired, Fan-Type Central Furnaces) Amendments extend the emission fee period for the manufactured homes furnace category. Amended 3/21/24

Prior to adopting or amending any rule, a notice is published in selected San Joaquin Valley newspapers and the District Governing Board accepts testimony at a public hearing. Copies of any proposed rules would be available via mail subscription at the District, at the District's website here when the rule is developed, and via email using the District’s email list located here. Information on District rule development is available from District staff at (559)230-6000.