Agricultural Burning

Frequently Asked Questions
I sometimes experience problems using the Smoke Management System. How may I speak to an operator for assistance?

For assistance, please call the Smoke Management System between 6:00 AM and 11:00 AM at 1-800-665-2876 or 1-559-227-7143. Initially, to speak to an operator press or say “2”, which is the prompt to create or make changes to a permit. This will connect you to an agent. You may also press “zero” at any time during your call on the automated system.

My burn permit has incorrect information on it. How may I correct it?

An operator may make the needed changes to your burn permit and will mail you a new, corrected permit. Please call the Smoke Management System between 6:00 AM and 11:00 AM to speak to an operator.

How do I find out what my security code is and can it be changed?

Your security code is listed at the upper right corner of your burn permit, just below the permit number. An operator can easily change your security code per your request. Should you decide to change your security code, please call the Smoke Management System between 6:00 AM and 11:00 AM and an operator will update and send you a new permit listing the new security code.

I’ve received two burn permits and would like to combine them into a single permit. Is that possible?

Yes. Two or more burn permits may be combined into a single permit as long as the ownership and billing address is the same. Please call the Smoke Management System between 6:00 AM and 11:00 AM and an operator will combine the permits and send you a new, corrected burn permit.

I was approved to burn 20 acres of material today, but my worker is sick. May I delete the burn that never took place and request a new burn on another day?

Yes. An operator will delete the burn request for today and instruct you on how to request a burn for tomorrow. Please call the Smoke Management System between 6:00 AM and 11:00 AM to speak to an operator.

The automated system is having a difficult time understanding me as I speak into the phone. How can I prevent errors from occurring?

The system is designed to understand most people’s voices but errors can occur. If you are experiencing problems, please try using the touch-tone buttons on your phone. Background noise can also confuse the automated system when speaking into your phone or using the touch-tone buttons on your phone. If you are experiencing problems, please contact our operators by calling the Smoke Management System between 6:00 AM and 11:00 AM.

I don’t understand how the waiting list works. Can you please explain?

If you have requested a burn but were turned down because there wasn’t sufficient allocation remaining in your area, you may request to be placed on the waiting list. The waiting list keeps track of all burns that have been requested in your local geographic area in the order in which they were received.

When an allocation is available for your area, the Smoke Management System determines how many burns can be accommodated and the system will call and notify the permit holders between 4:00 PM and 7:00 PM that they can burn on the following day. You will be instructed to call and confirm if you want to burn or you may decide to disregard the call and defer to a later date. If you choose to defer to a later date or perhaps failed to receive the call, your name will remain at the top of the waiting list and you will be called the next day an allocation is available. You may defer up to three (3) times before your name is removed from the waiting list.
More Information

Is it possible for me to find out my standing on the waiting list?

You may call and speak to an operator to find out how many others are ahead of you on the waiting list, but that may not give an accurate estimate of when you will be able to burn since the allocation may vary each day. Please call the Smoke Management System between 6:00 AM and 11:00 AM to speak to an operator.

My burn request is on the waiting list for 20 acres of orchard pruning, but now I have 40 acres that need to be burned. May I increase the number of acres on the waiting list at that location?

Yes. An operator may change the number of acres on the waiting list per your request. Please call the Smoke Management System between 6:00 AM and 11:00 AM to speak to an operator.

I am on the waiting list to burn my orchard pruning, but I have now decided to chip instead. May I remove my burn request so that I will not receive phone calls?

Yes. An operator may remove your burn request from the waiting list. Please call the Smoke Management System between 6:00 AM and 11:00 AM to speak to an operator.

I need to burn tomorrow, but I just realized that my burn permit has expired. May I come into the office and pay in person?

Although we always encourage you to try to conduct business over the phone or via the mail, you may also conduct business in person at one of our three offices during regular business hours.