Title V Operating Permits

Public Participation

During the initial processing or renewal of Title V permits, and for any significant modifications to Title V permits, the EPA, California Air Resources Board (CARB), and any interested member of the public are invited to review and comment on the proposed Title V permit.  A public notice is printed in a local newspaper and on the District's public notice webpage inviting comments for a 30-day period.  EPA is given a 45-day comment period to review the proposed permit which runs concurrently with the public’s (and CARB’s) 30-day review period.

A public hearing of the draft permit may be held if requested by the public.  If the EPA does not object to the District’s preliminary decision, any person may petition the EPA to object to the permit within 60 days of the close of EPA’s 45-day review period.

The District has posted a Title V Renewal Project Report that details the status of all Title V renewal applications.

The District has issued approximately 300 Title V permits to existing facilities.  The District-issued Title V permits and engineering evaluations of compliance (statements of basis) are posted on the District's public notice webpage, which is searchable by company name.

For further information on the District’s Title V program, please contact Errol Villegas at (559) 230-5900 or email at errol.villegas@valleyair.org.